When he was around 16 years old, "Uncle" Herman ‘ran away’ from home. He did not return to see his family until 25 years later where we then learned that he had gone to Canada and there had married and had a large family. The state-side family has never met most of his children. Read more
In the fall of 1928, a neighbor invited grandpa to go to the city-wide revival in Belleville; so he took his family to the revival meeting. The evangelist was Dr. Charles S. Price. Sunday morning he got under conviction so bad that he went to the altar. Read more
Lena, Herman, Ernestine, Theodor, Martha, Marie, Ernst
Arthur, Theodor, Klara, Martha, Hilda, Rosina, Karl, Paul
Back row: Ernest (Dutch), Carl, Ivan Wilson (Martha’s husband), Arthur, Paul, Herman Center Row: Kitty (Lena’s daughter), Frieda (Herman’s wife), Martha, Marie, Lena Front row: Hilda, Gladys (Arthur’s wife holding JoAnn), Rosina, Theodore (Grandma & Grandpa Froese, Emma Mae (Carl’s wife holding Gloria), Clara (Picture taken in late 1937 or early 1938.)
First Cousins
(Front Row) Gloria Webb, Jo Ann Malacarne, Jim Wilson, Ruth Dehne, Sissy Rodenbush, David Froese
(Back row) Marsha &Paul Froese, Del Webb, Eloise & Nathan Froese, Marie & Al Sawyer, Joanie Wilson,
Debby Fritchley, John & Brenda Froese, Sherrie Taylor, Bob Rodenbush, Art (Buddy) & Jeanine Simpkins,
Mary Tyler, Carolyn Froese
Sissy & Bob Rodenbush, Debby Fritchley, Sherrie Taylor, Mary Tyler, Brenda & John Froese, Marsha & Paul Froese,
Ruth Dehne, Joan & Jim Wilson, Jeanine & Buddy Simpkins
(Left to right) Chelle Jones, John (Brenda) Froese, Gavin Wilson, Tim & Patty Froese, Mike (Becky) Poole, Debby Fritchley,
Becky (Mike) Poole, Eloise & Nathan Froese, Brenda(John) Froese, Madison Froese, Matt (Shauna) Froese,
Paul & Marsha Froese, Angie & Canaan Jones, Mary Jones Tyler, Shauna (Matt) Froese, Madeline Froese (Matt & Shauna)